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JSON can be a tricky thing to understand, but it is simpler than you might first think. Below are steps for understanding JSON structure and helpful tips to configure your Homebridge config.json file.
You can log into any public or private repository for which you havecredentials. When you log in, the command stores credentials in$HOME/.docker/config.json on Linux or %USERPROFILE%/.docker/config.json onWindows, via the procedure described below.
You need to specify the credentials store in $HOME/.docker/config.jsonto tell the docker engine to use it. The value of the config property should bethe suffix of the program to use (i.e. everything after docker-credential-).For example, to use docker-credential-osxkeychain:
You can modify the docker command behavior using environmentvariables or command-line options. You can also use options withinconfig.json to modify some of the same behavior. If an environment variableand the --config flag are set, the flag takes precedent over the environmentvariable. Command line options override environment variables and environmentvariables override properties you specify in a config.json file.
To specify a different directory, use the DOCKER_CONFIGenvironment variable or the --config command line option. If both arespecified, then the --config option overrides the DOCKER_CONFIG environmentvariable. The example below overrides the docker ps command using aconfig.json file located in the ~/testconfigs/ directory.
The majority of NodeBB's configuration is handled by the AdministratorControl Panel (ACP), although a handful of server-related options aredefined in the configuration file (config.json) located at NodeBB'sroot folder.
If you get the error message error: no objects passed to create, it may mean the base64 encoded string is invalid.If you get an error message like Secret "myregistrykey" is invalid: data[.dockerconfigjson]: invalid value ..., it meansthe base64 encoded string in the data was successfully decoded, but could not be parsed as a .docker/config.json file.
System Admins for both self-hosted and Cloud Mattermost workspaces can manage Mattermost configuration using the System Console. For self-hosted deployments, admins can additionally edit the config.json file.
In self-hosted Mattermost deployments, configuration settings are maintained in the config.json configuration file, located in the mattermost/config directory, or stored in the database. System Admins managing self-hosted workspaces can also modify the config.json file directly using a text editor.
From Mattermost v5.10, self-hosted system configuration can be stored in the database. This changes the Mattermost binary from reading the default config.json file to reading the configuration settings stored within a configuration table in the database. See the Mattermost database configuration documentation for migration details.
You can use environment variables to manage Mattermost configuration. Environment variables override settings in config.json. If a change to a setting in config.json requires a restart to take effect, then changes to the corresponding environment variable also require a server restart.
The GatewayHttpApplication is the entry point for all incoming gateway requests. It is responsible for initializing a heap of objects, described in "Heap Objects", and providing the main Handler that receives all the incoming requests. The configuration is loaded from a JSON-encoded configuration file, expected by default at $HOME/.openig/config/config.json.
If you provide a config.json, the IG configuration is loaded from that file. If there is no file, the default configuration is loaded. For the default configuration, and the example config.json used in many of the examples in the documentation, see the Examples section of this page.
When you first launch the agent after installation, the agent first checks for the presence of environment variables, then checks for the config.json file. When the agent launches for the first time, the agent uses that information to link to a manager and set preferences.
(Windows only) Before you install the package, you must modify the package so that Nessus Agent does not start automatically after installation. This is because Nessus Agent must read the config.json file when you start the Nessus Agent service for the first time.
(macOS only) Unlike Windows, there is no way to turn off autostart before installing Nessus Agent. Therefore, you need to reset the Nessus Agent to a fresh state before adding config.json and starting the Nessus Agent service.
The access token will be stored in the Netlify CLI config.json. Your login password will never be stored. You can revoke the access token at any time from your GitHub account settings; however, this will disable continuous deployment on all sites that were configured with that access token.
Configuration values are stored in JSON files. The Ionic CLI maintains a global configuration file, usually located at ~/.ionic/config.json, and project configuration files, usually at the project's root directory as ionic.config.json.
Hooks can also be defined in ionic.config.json. Define a hooks object within the project, where each key is the name of the hook (without the ionic: prefix), and the value is a path to a JavaScript file or an array of paths.
In a multi-app project, apps share a single ionic.config.json file at the root of the repository instead of each app having their own. The multi-app config file contains the configuration for each app by nesting configuration objects in a projects object. A default app can be specified using defaultProject.
You can load configuration and credentials from a JSON document on disk using AWS.config.loadFromPath. The path specified is relative to the current working directory of your process. For example, to load credentials from a 'config.json' file with the following content:
If you run the script to install the Lacework Linux agent on a machine, the script creates a config.json file in the /var/lib/lacework/config directory. You can add properties to the config.json file to alter the agent behavior as described below.
Lite mode disables features such as FIM scan, package scan, and process scan by default. If you want to re-enable FIM scan, package scan, or process scan, enable it explicitly in the config.json file.
You can configure the Lacework agent to use a network proxy by adding proxy information to the config.json file or by creating a https_proxy environment variable. For more information, see Required Connectivity, Proxies & Certificates.
By default, Lacework monitors a set of default paths and files and excludes monitoring a set of default paths and files. You can override the default settings using the filepath property (to include in monitoring) and fileignore property (to exclude from monitoring) in the config.json file.
FIM is disabled by default in AWS Fargate, but you can enable it through the config.json file. FIM runs immediately in Fargate after a cooling period. The default cooling period is 60 minutes. However, if you want to run it immediately, set the cooling period to zero in the config.json file as follows:
The presence of a tsconfig.json file in a directory indicates that the directory is the root of a TypeScript project.The tsconfig.json file specifies the root files and the compiler options required to compile the project.
Depending on the JavaScript runtime environment which you intend to run your code in, there may be a base configuration which you can use at are tsconfig.json files which your project extends from which simplifies your tsconfig.json by handling the runtime support.
This key is used to specify track-wide file locations. Rather than maintainers having to manually set the files key in the exercises' config.json files, support will be added to configlet to use these track-wide patterns to automatically populate the exercises' files key.
As explained in the "What is a token, anyway?" section, your token is essentially your bot's password, and you should protect it as best as possible. This can be done through a config.json file or by using environment variables.
Storing data in a config.json file is a common way of keeping your sensitive values safe. Create a config.json file in your project directory and paste in your token. You can access your token inside other files by using require().
config.json is being deprecated and does not come with new jibri installations. You need to configure jibri.conf instead. Take a look at the Jibri.conf section in this tutorial on how to do that - TUTORIAL - How to Install the NEW JIBRI
The forta.config.json file is a shared global config located in ~/.forta that provides configuration for your bot projects. You can optionally override any value for a specific bot project by providing a forta.config.json file in your project folder. Also, if you want to use a specific config file during local development, you can do so using the --config CLI flag.
By default the process creates these settings in a swa-cli.config.json in the current working directory of your project. This is the default file name/location used by swa when searching for project configuration info.
You may put a config.json file into the location which COMPOSER_HOME pointsto. Composer will partially (only config and repositories keys) merge thisconfiguration with your project's composer.json when you run the install andupdate commands.
Alloy uses the config.json file, located in the project's app directory, to specify global values, conditional environment and platform values, and widget dependencies. The configuration file contains the following objects:
NOTE: This config file was introduced with Rush 5.79.0. Prior to that release,PNPM settings were instead stored in the "pnpmOptions" section of rush.json.For backwards compatibility, Rush 5 still accepts the "pnpmOptions" section.If you are upgrading an old monorepo, in order to access these new PNPM settings,you must manually delete the "pnpmOptions" setting from rush.json andcreate the pnpm-config.json file. 781b155fdc